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Trump’s problematic J6 forgiveness: Letter

The issue: Forgiveness for those of President Trump for those who participated in the capital riots on 6 January.

Miranda Divine’s column for January 6, 6 rebels only argue any logical-thinking American question that forgiveness was designed for “right wrong” ((((“J6 is wrong with forgiveness,” 27 January).

Many of them sentenced, which included the law mitigation Jacob Chandans, convicted, while others were found guilty after testing by a jury of their comrades.

These people were engaged in a clear task of rebellion and they violated our constitution by trying to turn the election.

Lu meon


Has anyone condemned President Trump’s January 6, remember that former President Biden forgives his family, he also told the sentences of criminals, killers and rapists?

Arlain rei

long Beach

Sen Ron Johnson recently helped introduce the thin blue line act, which increases punishment for criminals targeting law enforcement.

One of the extremists of January 6, Daniel Rodriguez repeatedly fired an unconscious gun based on the skull of Michael Fanon.

Nevertheless, when asked about Trump’s forgiveness for people guilty of attacking the authorities, Johnson had no problem in the work of the President.

Sen Lisa Murkovsky dared to condemn the blanket forgiveness that included those who attacked law enforcement.

In contrast, it seems that Johnson’s loyalty to Trump has inspired him to compromise his moral integrity.

Terry hansen

Milwauki, Vis.

Some of the 1,500 either convicted January 6 criminals were issued a “exit” cards, promising revenge and vengeance.

I can also be, if I serve the capital in jail for storm and destruction.

But I am not angry at the judges who sentenced me, because they were just doing right from their jobs.

I would be likely to renounce my freedom for Trump – who refused to accept the results of the fair election.

Win Morbito

Scranton, Pa.

The Left has consistently used 6 January as an anti -Trump matter. Meanwhile, ordinary citizens and law enforcement took more issue with 2020 George Floid riots.

Most of the criminals of January 6 were entitled to an forgiveness, as they were charged excessively for their crimes.

American wants a proper sense of justice, and Trump is providing that.

Peter Cooper


The issue: Selena Gomez, posting an Instagram video, cried for illegal migrants to be deported.

Illegal migrants with criminal records were being passed from one state to another – one of whom was the killers of Laken relay (“Homan Dawal of Bawal,” January 28).

But if you are an illegal migrant who kills, deal with traffic, drugs or fulfills any other acts of violence, then there are tears Selena Gomez,

Please explain this to me.

Can’t they do wrong?

Kim crossbie

Darren, Con.

Who are your “people,” Selena Gomez?

Are they going to rape and kill?

Or do drugs and traffic smuggle innocent children?

Perhaps he should perform another Academy Award to show tears of happiness for ice agents, rising his life to save us.

Nicholas pardon


Where are the tears of Gomez for American citizens, who have been robbed, raped, attacked and killed?

Where are billions of US taxpayers dollars tears that have been spent to deal with illegal immigrants?

Thomas birnbam


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