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Trump, taking suspicious steps legally, dismissed 18 inspectors overnight

According to Ware, the head of the council of the general secretaries on integrity and efficiency, President Donald Trump on Friday dismissed 18 inspectors in the federal government.

A senior White House official had earlier confirmed NBC News that at least a dozen inspectors had been dismissed.

Those dismissed included the Inspector General of Defense Department, State Department, Health and Human Services Department and Labor Department. The move did not affect the inspectors of the Department of Justice or Homeland Security.

When the White House was asked why the supervisors were removed The official said that the step was an attempt by the President to release the parts of the previous Biden administration that are not “aligned” with the new Trump administration.

The official said, “We are cleaning the things that do not work for us and are moving forward.”

The legal justification for dismissal is unclear, given that the Congress has strengthened security from unfair dismissal to the inspectors by amending the Inspector General of Inspector General in 2022.

According to the law, the 30-day notification window is required by the White House to inform the Congress about its intention to dismiss an Inspector General and the Inspector General is removed from the on-duty position. The White House will also have to explain the concrete reasons why the Inspector General is being removed.

Asked whether the White House was concerned about the validity of the firing, given the 30-day Congress notice required for each Inspector General, the official said that many of these decisions are “under the supervision of the legal consultant”. The official said that they were investigating from the office of the White House counsel but they do not think the administration had broken any law.

Firing was first reported the new York Times And Washington Post,

Addressing journalists at Air Force One on Saturday evening, Trump spoke briefly on his firing decisions.

Despite the firing being very unusual, Trump said, “I did this because it is very common to do so.”

Trump reiterated, “Some people thought that some people were unfair or not working. It’s a very standard thing, exactly like American lawyers.”

However, the supervisors are usually considered an independent person within government agencies. He has been tasked with an objective audit within his agency and is expected to investigate allegations of waste, fraud and abuse of power within his departments.

In response to the firing, Ware sent a letter to his fellow inspectors asking if he had been dismissed and tell him that his council “is coordinating the White House response and wants to give account to all the PAS IGs.” A information was received. “

NBC News confirmed that Ware had also sent a letter from Cigie to the White House and Capital Hill MPs about firing.

In the letter, Ware, while addressing the validity of the firing, wrote, “At this point, we do not believe that the action taken by the President, is legally sufficient to dismiss the supervisors confirmed by the Senate.”

Separately, Ware issued a statement to argue that “inconsistent expulsion with the law is a significant threat to the real and perceived freedom of IG.”

He said, “IG is not allowed to be removed.” “However, the law should be followed to protect independent government monitoring for the US.”

Mark Lee Greenblaut, who was removed from the post of Inspector General of Internal Department, said in an interview with NBC News that “My biggest concern is the politicization of the posts of Inspector General of Inspector General.”

“The main question here is that who the President removes the IG, who replaces them?” He asked referring to the supervisors. “We are so -called monitoring dogs inside the federal agency. So does he appoint true monitoring dogs, or does he appoint lap dogs?”

Greenblatts, who were appointed by Trump in 2019, also questioned whether the Inspector General Trump would be keen to investigate the allegations against the colleagues.

“If a member of the Trump administration is accused of morality, misconduct or some kind of criminal violation, will IG be willing to investigate it in a complete and wide way? Will they find conclusions about it, to come to a negative conclusion. Will be ready. ” Trump’s political appointment? “He asked.” This is the main question. This is where the rubber meets the road. “

Chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Senator Chak Grassli, R-Ayova also said that Trump’s decision does not follow the firing process prescribed in the federal law. The senator led the effort to protect the superintendents in the update of 2022 of the federal law.

“There may be a good reason to dismiss the IG. We have to know if it is so. I want more clarification from President Trump. Despite this, the 30 -day detailed notice of removing the demand made by the law was not given to the Congress, “Grassley told NBC News in a statement.

Trump’s move too Democrats strongly condemned it on Friday night and Saturday morning.

In a speech in the Senate on Saturday morning, Shumar said the firing “cooling the cooling”, said, “Yesterday, in the dark of night, President Trump fired at least 12 independent inspectors on important federal agencies in the entire administration. It is a terrible elimination, and is the preview of the chaotic approach that Donald Trump and his administration are adopting many times after becoming President.

“This dismissal is probably a violation of the federal law, for which the Congress is required to give a 30 -day notice for any intention to dismiss the needlers,” Shumar said.

On government inspection, Daniel Bryan, Executive Director of non-profit and non-Pakistani project, also expressed concern about the validity of the firing and the desire of Trump’s “check and balance”.

Bryan told NBC News, “It is clear that this step shows that this White House is really eager to remove the check and balance, and it was a tool about destroying ruin and fraud and he himself Killed the ax on his leg. “

He said, “I am still not sure they will escape from it.”

In A post on XSen Elizabeth Warren, D-Mas, also called the firing “purification” and said, “President Trump is ending control over his power and paving the way for widespread corruption.”

In a statement, the representative Gery Konoli, D-W., the top democrats of the House Oversite Committee, also criticized Trump’s decision, called it “Friday night a coup” and “attacking transparency and accountability”.

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