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Thank you very much to Senator Mich McConel. Dick Wadhams | Opinion

During the 18 -year tenure of American senator Mich McConel as the Senate Republican leader, he was maligned as a “establishment” by T. Party and MAGA workers who did nothing.

Throughout that whole time, whether he was a minority leader or a majority leader, he was the master of the rules of the Senate, when he needed to pass something, he used to compromise with the Democrat, but he was also a fierce biased, Who did not stop anyone on the floor of the Senate. Or in the Senate race across the country.

McConel made an unknown ancient philosopher’s statement, “Politics is not a bag.”

After Republican won a 53–47 solid Senate majority in 2024, McConel left the position as a Republican leader. He is the longest serving Senate leader in history.

In those 18 years, he served as Senate Minority Leaders twice from 2007 to 2015 and 2021 to 2025, and he was the Senate majority leader from 2015 to 2021.

If there was one thing that united both the Senate Democrats and many orthodox activists, he was disappointed for McConel’s leadership style – but for very different reasons. The Democrats of the Senate were often nervous of his mastery of mysterious Senate rules, which made him a malignant biased enemy on the Senate floor. The irony is that conservative activists thought that he was very favorable for the Senate Democrats and did not struggle enough.

When the US Supreme Court Judge Antonin Skalia suddenly died in February 2016, there is nothing to define McConel’s effectiveness and determination as the leader of the majority. President Barack Obama, in his final year as President, immediately nominated Merric Garland, who served in Washington, DC. Appeal court to replace Scallia. Obama described Garland as a liberal judge who should agree to both sides.

Majority leader McConel made it clear to Obama that there would be no action in the Senate on the Garland nomination during the warm year of the 2016 presidential election. He said that American people need to say that the tenure will replace Scallia by choosing a new president for Obama’s successor, and the new President can present a new enrollment in 2017.

Democrats kept shouting, but McConel remained firm and unlikely. The Garland nomination ended on the Senate Bell when Donald Trump was elected President in 2016, allowing him to nominate Neil Gorsch in 2017, serving at the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver. McConel confirmed 235 federal judges, nominated by President Trump, consisting of two more judges of the Supreme Court, Brett Kawanugh and Amy Kony Barrett, leading to a majority of 6-3 conservative courts.

But all this began with McConel’s hardball on the Senate floor, which kept the Skallia seat open in 2016. If Hillary Clinton had defeated Trump in 2016, he would have filled all the three open seats in the court. Elections have results as often said.

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Together with Paul Ryan, the Republican Speaker of the US House of Representatives, McConel converted Trump’s historic tax cut law into law.

When it came to approve the judges and passes the law, Trump did not have more prominent or effective colleagues than Mich McConel, but during January 6, 2021, Trump’s behavior, violent attacks on US capital and passion of Trump The relationship eventually broke. The 2020 election was fake and stolen from him.

In addition to its leadership in the Senate, McConel was equally effective in helping other Republicans choose for the Senate. Before becoming a Republican leader, he presided over the National Republican Senetorial Committee, the only reason for the existence is to help in choosing Republican.

Often, the losing Republican candidates during McConel’s tenure were out of the mainstream of their states and ruined the winable race. Who can forget the Republican candidate who had to say that “I am not a witch” or a person who talked about “legitimate rape”.

When former American representative John Thyun, who lost the Senate election in 2002, decided to challenge the malicious Senate Democratic leader Tom Dashle in South Dakota in 2004, there was a doubt among several Republicans in Washington, DC that the therm win Can He felt that he could only keep the race closer and prevent Dashle from raising funds for other Democratic candidates across the country.

McConel was an assistant Republican leader in 2004, and he firmly believed that he could win the theme and at that time he dedicated himself to the objective with the Senate majority leader Bill Frist.

McConel was right. Thyun harassed Dashle, this was the first time that a Senate leader lost in the election again in 52 years. McConel’s support was no small part of that victory.

The irony is that the successor of McConel’s leadership is now the majority leader of the Senate John Thune. Thanks, Senator Mich McConel.

Dick Wadhas is the former president of the Colorado Republican state who managed campaigns for American senators Hank Brown and Ven Alard and Governor Bill Owens. He was the campaign manager of the US Senate majority leader John Theun in 2004.

Dick Wadhas is the former president of the Colorado Republican state who managed campaigns for American senators Hank Brown and Ven Alard and Governor Bill Owens. He was the campaign manager of the US Senate majority leader John Theun in 2004.

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