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RFK appears unfamiliar with the major elements of Junior Medicare and Medicade

Robert F, Robert F, Republican of Louisiana, Senator Bill Cassidi. Kennedy Junior displayed a surprising shortage of getting acquainted with Medicare and Medicade, which were government programs responsible for covering over 150 million Americans.

Sometimes, Mr. Kennedy seemed to confuse two programs. Medicare is a federal program that provides coverage to older and disabled Americans, while Medicade is a state-union program that incorporates low-income people.

When he first described Medicare, he seemed to ignore half of the Medicare program that depends on private insurance plans to provide care. Later, he admitted that he was nominated in a private Medicare Advantage Plan and said he thought “more people would be on medicare benefits as it provides very good services.”

The Medicare Advantage Plan has been severely criticized by MPs, in which Mr. Kennedy will be confirmed by federal regulators and will be maintained by public advocacy groups. He has accused the schemes, which include the country’s largest insurers, to overcharge, care and deny the government to delay and refuse. Regulators have punished some insurers for overbuilding.

Mr. Kennedy “paid the Medicid” fully paid by the federal government. ” In fact, Medicade, which provides health insurance coverage About 80 million Low -income Americans are funded through a combination of state and federal funds.

Mr. Kennedy also claimed that many Medicade Enrolls were disappointed with high costs they faced with their public insurance coverage.

“Most people who are on Medicade are not happy,” Mr. Kennedy claimed. “The premium is very high. The deductables are very high. ,

He later repeated similar arguments at the hearing, faced interrogation of New Mexico’s Democrat Senator Ben Ray Lujan. “The premium is very high, the deductables are very high, and everyone is getting sick,” he said.

But the vast majority of medicid enrolls do not pay any premium or cuts for their coverage. federal law Especially restricted Premium for the lowest -income Medicid Enroll. Patients usually do not need to pay anything when they go to the doctor, different from a handful of state-based experiments that have tested small fees.

Recent research on Medicade does not support Mr. Kennedy’s controversy that “everyone is getting sick”. studies Generally search Increase in medicid enrollment improves access to health care of people. Some? studies It has also found that Medicade improves health results, although it is a more limited body of research.

Senator Cassidi asked Mr. Kennedy to describe how he would improve the Medicade program. While other Trump candidates have offered concrete policy proposals – Nominated to run Russell Wout, Budget and Management Office. suggested Last week, his confirmation hearing require a work for the program – Mr. Kennedy described vague changes.

He said that he supported changes for “increasing transparency” and “increasing accountability”.

When Mr. Cassidi pressured him to be more specific, Mr. Kennedy replied, “I don’t have a comprehensive proposal to finish the program.”

Mr. Kennedy looked ready, however, it should be asked about Nomination data For the Medicade, accurately tells the senators that the program incorporates about 72 million people through the traditional public insurance program and an additional seven million, through the health insurance program of an additional seven million, through a target benefit.

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