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Recap ‘Will Trent’: Will & Angie Reunion ends with tears | Entertainment news

(Warning: The following post contains the main spoiler for Will Trent Season 3 episode 4, “The floor is lava.”)

Welp. We know that it will be a very emotional roller coaster for Trent (Ramón Rodríguez) and Angie (Erika Christensen) Working together in a case, but we do not know that it will cut this heart.

In the new episode on Tuesday Will TrentBoth of them joined the case involving the targeted shooting against a man in his home. Everything immediately starts to be awkward when they have to play the game “floor is lava” on the victim’s sofa to avoid disturbing footprints, and things only become stranger than there.

Apparently, the shooter was one of several lonely people who often visited Alias Message Board (yes, really) and cheated to think they are recruited as a CIA operation that can kill people with impunity and steal state secrets. In one second, the related incident, the victim was not fortunate enough to survive the attack, but handling this case produced a few moments that were truly amazing in the team. There is Michael Ormewood (Jake McLaughlin) Cosplaying as a special agent in the interrogation room and then there is a moment with him and Angie explained, with noble details, what Alias is about. And that was really wild when Angie found Marion Alba (Gina Rodriguez) Out of Will’s office on one of his clothes – although his explanation is quite innocent, because he only needs to borrow one for the court after getting a stain on his, his face said everything.

Everything turns into Sadville, when Will and Angie find themselves accidentally locked in a restaurant while waiting for their Takeout orders. The conversation began quite carefully, but Will said he was “very sorry” to Angie for getting Gluten-free cake during the party back, and he was immediately annoyed. Of course there is an apology that he wants to hear. That’s when everything became serious, with Will and Angie Trading Barbs about who was wrong in the arrest and Angie finally shouted, “You blow our lives!”

“You blow our lives,” he then repeated. “We are building something. We were finally in a good place. We talk about having children. “

When will say he knows that and “struggle” for their relationship to work, he accused, “Did you do it? You sabotaged?” Will, of course, denied doing it, but Angie left with a terrible term by saying, “Leaving To hell, Will. “And somehow, it was not even the most powerful conversation they had in that episode.

The work continues, with the team tracking the source Alias Recruitment of the council to someone who sells the secret -hasia to foreign actors. After a dramatic sting operation caused the arrest of the suspect, their buyers, and two people who were also sure that they somehow were secret agents, Angie visited Will’s office to deliver their documents and they had one more – maybe final? – Discussion of their personal pain.

“I just miss my best friend,” Will told him, who he agreed. But when he offered, “I hope we somehow can get through this,” he said.

“I don’t think so,” Angie said with tears. “I have plenty of time to think about this … You do what you have to do, but everything is different now, and that won’t come back as before.”

Angie then continued, “We are not a lover. We are not friends. We are coworkers. We have saved and encouraged and attracted each other back since we were seven years old. We can stop. “

When Will replied that he did not know how to move from him, he answered, “You have moved. You haven’t realized it yet. Wilbur Trent, I freed you. ”

And with that, Will and Angie’s separation was cemented for the near future. Sip!

Will TrentTuesday, 8/7C, ABC

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