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Real Bedford wants to be bigger than the town of Luton

Tony Fisher

BBC News, Bedfordshire

Real Bedford line of football fans standing behind warehouses with a flag flying in the background with the team logo "Bedford"SBedford

The co -owner of Real Bedford, Peter McCormak, said: “I will work with the two sets of fans and try to build something that is fair and representative for both clubs.”

The owner of Bitcoin’s podcast of a football club, which is not in the league, said they had three years to be ridiculed, but “now we have had some success that people are touring.”

Peter McCormak, who owns Real Bedford, said locally that he wanted the club to be bigger than the Catering Town, then Northampton, then Milton Keynes, then Luton, “and eventually to the Premier League.”

McCormak, who is a native of Bedford – about 50 miles (80 km) north of London – said Suggested merger with FC Bedford Town FC It was “to combine two clubs to achieve something for the city.”

He added that “when we started, we had 40 fans and a small small stadium”, but “I want to win the city of Bedford.”

James Burridge/BBC Male with brown hair and a short beard wearing a brown top with a hood standing on a football field. James Burridge/BBC

Peter McCormak said: “One of the things you accept when you manage a football club is that you are essentially a CEO and somehow dictator.”

Bedford Town plays in the Central Division of the South League and are based in Eyrie in Cardington.

Real Bedford is currently heading the division from below, a South League Division and plays in McMulen neighboring park.

In April 2024, the founders of twin Cameron and Tyler Winklvos Invest $ 4.5 million in bitcoin (About 3.6 million pounds) on McCormak’s side and became co -owners.

McCormak said: “I think the purpose of Vrexham is the Premier League and they are already in League 1 and they are supported by Ryan Reynolds and his wealth, but Cameron and Tyler Winklvos cost twenty times as big as his net wealth and there are two of his net them. “

He said that the “much stronger” combined company would continue to use bitcoin as a financial instrument for the club.

Tony Fisher/BBC The Tunnel of Players on Real Bedford's football playground, with black walls and red inscriptions with skull and intersections at the end and words "Bedford"STony Fisher/BBC

McCormak said the United Club would not be called Real Bedford, but “may be called Bedford Town or Real Bedford Town, or something”

McCormak said: “The short -term goal has always been a football league for men for ten years.

“If we rise this year, it will be three promotions in three years, leaving us three left in seven years and I think it’s ambitious, but we think we can do it.”

With regard to the merger, he said that Bedford Town “is waiting for the FA and the Southern League to be heard, and they approve of it and where the team in the pyramid will be positioned.”

If approved, McCormak said they would use the Bedford Town site, which has a 3G terrain that is “quite cool” and “so we wouldn’t lose games because of the weather.”

The legal agreement on the merger must be carried out by the end of March in order to be ready to merge until the end of the season, he said.

Bedford Director Town John Taylor previously said: “This merger It is a unique opportunity to upgrade this heritage and bring football to Bedford to the next level. “

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