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On North Miami Beach on Holocost Day, people speak in North Miami Beach

North Miami Beach, Fla. – Many people around the world and in South Florida are remembering lost life during Holocaust on the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Aushwitz.

This year’s Holocost Remember Day occurs when the hostages are being released as part of the ceasefire deal with Israel and Hamas.

On Monday night, 94 -year -old Saul Blog said he remembers Holocaust like yesterday.

“I was separated from my family. My mother and father went straight to the gas chambers and I got a wound inside the living, ”he said.

Blue and other remaining people gathered together at the Beth Torah Beni stopped campus at North Mami Bed.

88 -year -old Rodi Glass said, “I was not here.”

The organizer of the event Judith Osars Muller said, “We have not left Holocosts for a very long time, so we need to learn from them and learn from them to teach our new generation.”

As this day of remembrance is marked worldwide, thousands of displaced Palestinians continue to return the remaining people of Gaza.

The ceasefire deal is almost undone in the weekend, but it is still holding, as Hamas’s over October 7 is to be released later this week from a terrorist attack of a year ago.

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