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Officials issue warning to commanders after multiple offsides against ‘Show Push’ in NFC championship

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The Philadelphia Eagles They broke out their signature “Tush Push” quarterback sneaks repeatedly on Sunday in the NFC Championship Game. The play worked so well in the fourth quarter, in fact, that it challenged the opposition Commanders of Washington To receive a warning from officials due to repeated penalties.

Eagles quarterback Jalen hurts First I tried the sneak on first and goal with 13:43 left in the game and Philadelphia up 34-23. Defensive lineman Jonathan Allen It was flagged for offside, so the Eagles went back to “push” on the ensuing play, only to be stopped by injury. Then they arranged for it again, this time drawing up a punishment from the commanders of the commanders Franky Louvoowhich jumped the entire line and connected to the contacts while the rest of the eagles stood still.

His encroachment penalty followed another “tush push” alignment and another solid injury count, with Luwu again crossing the line and drawing a flag. Allen then followed suit, going inside the line early on the Eagles’ next line of scrimmages, and officials were sounding the alarm about Washington’s repeated fouls, even suggesting they might give the Eagles a pass if the activity continued.

After the tip-off, the Eagles went right back on the drive, this time pulling the trigger and going up 41-23 with real injury time.

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