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Main earthquake video shown shaking in the Nabbal Lighthouse


After a quantity 3.8 Earthquake Hit Away from the coast of York, Main, video has started emerging by showing earthquakes in action.

New Hampshire 911 did not receive any calls about injury or damage till 10:45 pm, nor did the authorities at Portsmouth and Kitter. However, the residents of the Main and New Hampshire and as far as the Road Island in the south reported the shake.

NH earthquake videos

Where was NH earthquake?

According to the USGS, the Monday morning earthquake originated from the south -pre -coast of York Harbor, Main.

York Harbor New Hampshire is about 10 miles north of the border.

How strong was NH earthquake?

According to the USGS, Monday’s earthquake is being measured at 3.8 on a magnitude scale.

As Michigan Tech, Earthquake magnitude between 2.5–5.4 is often felt but usually only minor damage. 7.0 and higher measured earthquake magnitude is considered a major earthquake.

How common earthquakes are in NH?

The North American plate in New Hampshire has a risk of a moderate earthquake based on its position: according to A 2019 fact sheet From NH Environment Service Department, 65 earthquakes have occurred above 2.1 since 1638.

New Hampshire’s earthquake risk rating is based on frequency rather than rating intensity.

What was the biggest earthquake in NH history?

While the earthquakes in New Hampshire are small, the past has similar magnitude earthquakes, such as a 4.0 magnitude earthquake in Southern Main and another near Lakonia in 1982.

The strongest earthquake with a sub -center in New Hampshire in the history of the state occurred in December of 1940 in addition to four days. Each had a magnitude of 5.8.

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