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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

From Prince to Joni Mitchell and Macca to Bee Gees, stars in the creative purple patches so they have a classic that will set aside and shop elsewhere.

You know how sometimes you wear coats that you have never used for a while and find ten people in your pockets in (great feelings), some artists entered into a journey that is so creative in their careers that they have classic lies about all excessive that place. You can say it is a true sign of a generation artist, shopping in an era that defines the hit for their colleagues because, yeah, ‘We are only stacked here, we don’t have space’.

Too bad this generosity seems to have been a little dry. The last leading prize can be Coldplay to save post-Britpop’s career as well by giving them the top ten big hit GravityBut no one wants to read the ten classic list that displays songs by embracing, who will be crazy. Conversely, here are ten great works that will last for centuries …

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Mott The Hoople – All The Young Dudes (1972)

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