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Calls hit by Borxet Surge – but here’s how to face

Kevin Peachey

Cost of living correspondent

BBC Rachel Hargreaves sits on a sofa with her little daughter Joni in wingsBBC
Rachel chose to take more responsibility to get out of debt

Calls of help from people concerned about debt have increased in January while energy bills increase and credit payments for Christmas expenses are due.

The national debt line received 57% more calls in the first two weeks of January compared to the same period last year. The first Monday of the New Year was “ever the most charged”, according to The Money Advice Trust, who runs the line.

Concerned callers were often behind with energy and water bills and many owed to family and friends, charity said.

But as many people pledge to handle uncontrollable debt this year, some have taken on social media to document their trips to be debt without debt.

The BBC has spoken to people who once owed thousands of pounds to find out how they were cleared, or are working to save, their debts.

They have joined a host of charities, such as citizens’ advice – which has also seen an increase in calls – demanding that people address their money concerns.

‘Use money when you can’

Rachel Hargreaves in profile while she looks down for children
Rachel says there is expense pressure for parents

Rachel Hargreaves said that seeing other parents posting gifts for their children on Instagram used her excess expenses – even when her mortgage and families’ bills grew.

Now, she is using her social media account to record her progress in clearing more than £ 7,000 and getting support in the process.

“There is a community. Nice good to talk to people in a similar situation,” she said.

She had also helped her take more responsibility for her finances, she said. This included being clear how money they were coming in and out, and cutting impulse purchases.

Using cash, rather than cards, to make it clear how much it was spent helped maintain control, she said.

‘Delete card details from online shopping accounts’

Emma Quinn Portrait of Emma Quinn with straight brown hair, a nose ring and a visible hinged earringsEma Quinn

Emma Quinn, 32, has a bipolar disorder and has experienced periods of mania associated with impulsive and reckless behavior, including spending.

“You had the euphoria to buy something, followed by prolonged and severe periods of depression and self-denial,” she said.

It once had revenue and a manageable amount of credit card debt, but after its diagnosis, it had spiralized – in their worst debts of 20,000.

“I felt drowned by her, trying to change her constantly, but not reducing debt,” she said.

Eventually she opened to her father, describing her telling her about her debt as “the worst day of my life”.

Together they cut the cards, put hats or set up on the account and make a budget and repayment plan. Now she is debt -free, she has a mortgage and is saving for retirement.

Emma said she removed the cards from the online accounts and deleted her details stored on the websites of retail sellers to “slow down everything down” and avoid pulse purchases.

It also recommended creating a reliable contact which has been warned of any large or unusual transaction.

‘Don’t be proud, seek help’

Paul and Sam Helsby sit in a room with pictures and a coat kick behind them
Paul and Sam admit that Yorkshire pride kept them seeking help

When their family building business was hit by the increase in the cost of materials, Sam and Paul Helsby found themselves in serious difficulty.

When Paul suffered a stroke at the age of 44, they lost their business and their personal spiral debts. Coupleifi quickly found themselves 60,000 £ debt, with bailiffs at the door and seeking to broadcast through the paper box.

“We were scared to open the curtains. We closed the world,” Paul said.

They don’t have Christmas photos before the end because it was what they didn’t want to remember.

They voluntarily in a food bank and had recognized staff from debt charity, anti -poverty Christians, who runs a course of money training. One evening they sent a text and opened one of them.

“As a union, I’ve always been a person who can fix everything,” Paul said. “Saying I can’t fix it. You have to go and ask for help.”

Shortly thereafter, they were provided with food and energy vouchers, and a counselor helped them understand their financial “mess”.

Paul was bankrupt and Sam signed an order to relieve debt.

Getty Images a calendar marked on various dates with 'renting', 'pay credit card', 'pay service bills', 'pay insurance' and 'pay phone bills'. They are all circulated in red pen and a black pen also sits on the calendar. Getty Images

Now, they block the money in virtual containers in their bank account that opens only on certain days – such as a budget for food each week, and others for birthdays, with additions going to a savings pot.

This Christmas emphasized the time spent with the family, rather than the money spent on gifts, so January was stressless.

‘Apply for debt breathing space’

Rob Enchant Portrait Portrait of Rob Enhance with glasses, a short beard and a nasal drillingSlave
Slave encourages people to start checking the little things

When Rob Same’s marriage was over, he said his mental health deteriorated and his financial position.

At one point he owed £ 35,000 due to spending on multiple credit cards and gambling.

The 58-year-old is still looking for a job as he has made more than 300 applications, but his financial situation is now much healthier.

He puts it down to “a strange combination of handling big and small things” – ranging from recognition when yellow adhesives are added to the artmarket items, to seeking help from a debt charity.

He said the respiratory space schemewhich gives people temporary relief from creditors, it was essential for anyone to take a sense of control over their finances.

“Seek help and be aware,” he said. “Sometimes it’s just about creating the best habits. Betterti better to stay away from trouble, but not panic when you are.”

The cost of living for red and black graphic reading with a woman filling a mug from a boiler

How can I pay my debts?

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