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How Zoe Saldaña, Bella Hadid and others found partners out of the limelight

Lady Gaga and Michael Polansky

Technology entrepreneur Michael Polansky i just wanted to see more love Lady Gagapopping the big question in April 2024.

Even before they met, the Grammy winner’s mother Cynthia Germanotta i just knew the two would be a match.

“My mom met him and she said, ‘I think I just met your husband,’ and I said, ‘I’m not ready to meet my husband!'” Gaga recalled of him. Vogue in a separate interview in September 2024. “I could never have imagined that my mother… found the most perfect person for me?”

As she tells it, the singer met her fiance in December 2019 at a birthday party for the Napster co-founder. Sean Parkerwith whom Polansky worked in several organizations).

“I got invited and I said, ‘I wonder if Michael’s going to be there,’ and my mom said yes, and so I went to the party and kept looking for him and he finally came to me and we talked for three hours,” she added. on the way out. “We had the most amazing conversation.”

They continued to have amazing conversations on the phone, Gaga continued, before going on their first date and living together amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

“It was really something special,” she noted Vogue. “I’ve been so focused on my career since I was a teenager. And the gift of that time was that I focused completely on my relationship. I met this completely supportive, loving human being who wanted to get to know me — outside of Lady Gaga.”

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