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‘Harpoon Hunters’ star compares tone reception with a ‘sniper waiting to make a blow’

Attraction in the large requires patience and steel nerves.

So says Captain Niko Chaprales, one of the new stars reality series “Harpoon Hunters”, for those who come to the Atlantic in search of the red tone.

“I think the hardest part of this industry … It’s just when you are going with these fish, it’s almost like time it slows down,” he told Fox News Digital. “It’s almost like a sniper who expects to shoot.

Chaprales said that “pressure” to throw a tone is “always there, because we work hard to arrive at the moment of the day where all the pressure is on you, and, you know, you are not just you but all Your crew and the pilot depends on you to make that shoot and make that decision when it will throw. ”

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Esyduzi boat

Captain Niko Chaprales in Ezyduzi’s nest. (Discovery)

He said that when you “take a blow and lose, you can feel collective frustration.”

“There are many days where you can only make a shot, so pressure is definitely on you as a striker and it’s a big responsibility,” Chaprales added.

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He said the main difference between his team and “Bad Tuna” Fishermen, who use sticks and spools, is that its crews “are actively shooting the fish”.

“The dichotomy of the two industries is quite drastic where, you know, in the ‘wicked tuna’, they use rods and spools and go out in one place and they engage in one place for the day and wait for Pisces to come to them,” said Chaprales for Fox News Digital. So we are trying to find them. And then, you know, as soon as we find them … We’ll keep electric fuzhn, and we are trying to get to that perfect place to hunt, so it’s a very different fishing style.

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Captain Joe Dion said they are also able to see many wildlife when they are at work.

“It’s just an amazing way to see what we do during the summer,” Dion said. “We see all kinds of wildlife. We see whales, birds, pigs, dolphins, sharks. Thus, you can really see how we live our wine and take part in a commercial fishing that is very stable. “

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Dion said one of the most difficult parts of work is finding tone.

Cynthia C2 Captain Tyler Macallister in the nest, throwing a fuzhn.

Cynthia C2 Captain Tyler Macallister in the nest, throwing a fuzhn. (Discovery)

“They don’t have to stand up on the surface. Some atmospheric conditions allow them to be comfortable on the surface, and it’s only a certain time of the year,” he explained. “So finding them is the first challenge. And then, obviously, after finding them, we secretly leave behind them and Captain Niko, Matt and I have to throw the fuzhni and try to hit them. So , predicting when you have to throw it is also difficult if you throw too early, you don’t have a good chance because it’s too fierce. ”

Dion added that stormy weather in their small metal boats can also be very dangerous.

Fishermen in tone as long as they

Ezyduzi’s crew, including Captain Niko Chaprales, Kevin Ohlson and Tom Teannie. (Discovery)

“Many times in fishing with fuzhnja, the fish are very offshore,” he said. “So we will have to go 50, 60 miles, 70 miles a few days. And in a few days the sun goes down, and we have literally a four -hour trip home. And you don’t reach home up to one, two And we have had storm fronts, and we are essentially in a small boat that has all the metals and has a metal tower from the front. Beautiful, pretty wool. “

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Chaprales said their jobs can also be “haired” when things do not go as planned.

“Sometimes it doesn’t go according to plan and electric loads, as you know, release or fish is not broken for any reason,” he explained. “And when that happens, you know, the fish gets 600 meters of rope leading to a polycker we call a device. And it’s very, very similar to, you know how they fought the shark in the movie ‘Jaws’. ”

“To me, time somewhat slows down. It’s almost like a sniper waiting to shoot. Your heart is beating through your chest and you have to make that decision when you throw.”

– Captain. Niko Chaprales

Chaprales said when it happened, “the only way to get that fish is to pull it by hand, and these fish get up to 1000 pounds and are too strong. So when you pull out that hand platform, you know, you have the boy pulling him and then you have another guy behind him who wraps everything to try to keep everything beautiful and tidy, because if that fish decides to run and get up, and you get caught in the bite of that rope, You are going to the other side.

Blufin's search boat

Cynthia C2, in search of T -shirt, with Tyler Macallister, Sean Davis and Todd Espinola in high position. (Discovery)

He said that fish that catch ranging from 73 inches and 200 pounds to 116 inches and almost 900 pounds.

Due to sustainable efforts to raise the population of the red tone, Chaprales said they have a limit of five fish a day now, but when he was young he remembers coming out with his father, throwing 11 tons and winning $ 91,000.

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“So it was my best personal day,” he said.

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Chaprales said his father died two years ago fighting a giant blue tone and he feels that he has “big shoes to fill”.

“For this to be the last thing he ever did in his life after leaving such an influence on fishing (industry) – not just having a reputation as one of the best fishermen, but all the things he did, Conservation based on, you know, air polls and tags of blue tone for storage reasons – it’s definitely big shoes to fill and, you know, I don’t want to give you too much. , but I feel like you know, to get into that role as the captain of Ezyduz, you know, that legacy and that name, I feel like I did well to live according to legend, ”he said.

“Harpoon Hunters” premiered on Friday at Discovery and is also available at Discovery Plus.

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