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Internet attack on the unity technology unit hits 190 million people

United Group has reported that an internet attack on its technology unit influenced the personal data of 190 million individuals, marking one of the biggest health care data violations in US history.

Hack at Change Healthcare influenced the personal information of 100 million people, the US Health Department had posted on its website in October, reports, quoting Reuters.

The final number will be confirmed and submitted to the US Health and Human Service Office for Civil Rights at a later date, the company said in a statement by email.

Internet attacks unveiled in February at Change Healthcare were carried out by hackers that identified themselves as the “Blackcat” ransomware group, causing widespread interruptions in claims and affecting patients and providers across the country.

“Changing health care is not aware of any misuse of individuals’ information as a result of this incident and has not seen the electronic databases of medical records that appear in the data during the analysis,” the company said, adding that it has given an individual or substitute notice to the “overwhelming majority” of those who influenced.

The company issued a public announcement regarding Hack Ransomware in June last year as part of its requirements under the Law on Health Insurance (HIPAA). The Hipaa Regulation requires companies to notify patients about data exposures.

The information made tangible in the UNITEHALTH attack is believed to include the ID of health insurance members, patient diagnoses, treatment information and social security numbers, and billing codes used by providers.

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