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7 matches to be added to the WWE 2025 elimination camera

7 matches to be added to the WWE 2025 elimination camera


With the first stop on WWE’s way to Wrestlemania now behind us, all attention is shifting to the Live Live Elimination Premium event on March 1.

Airs from Toronto, Ontario, so far, only men and women elimination matches have been announced for women.

Like Royal Rumble, the matches card will probably have only four to five games, but there are many WWE options on the table based on recent events.

Here are seven games to be added to the WWE 2025 elimination camera.

7. Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens

WWE RAW Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn

On Monday, WWE RAW (February 3) Kevin Owens added a former most good friend Sami Zaine to his growing list of victims, displayed with the fearsome pilryp, seemingly governed it for a while.

One would expect Zayn to be out while the fighting building, however, given where the elimination camera is being held, it seems more likely that the match between Owens and Zayn is happening on March 1st.

The two Canadian favorites tearing the house in the center of Rogers is a painful perspective, with the two men having an endless well of chemistry in the ring that never looks dry.

While Zayn against Owens makes sense in many ways, there is another obvious option on the WWE table that includes the award …

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