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RTX 50-Series Paper Paper RTX 5090, RTX 5080 Fly Off the Relwes-Micro Center, Best Buy and NEWEGG are out of stock

Sleep? There is no point in visiting the closest micro center as all RTX 5090 and RTX 5080two of The best graphics cardsare sold out within hours after the start. If you have to insert the GPU on the first day, be prepared to nose As the scalpers charge 2x-3x more than MSRP. Shipping chain rumors and Inventory There were clear indicators of a chaotic launch day, but all the things considered, the limited supply or lack of such, suggest that this is no more than starting on paper.

We heard a few weeks back that retail delivery to the RTX 5090 will be extremely narrow, with many stores likely to receive only a few cards. This turned out to be the case.

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