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International Holocost Remember Day: San Francisco celebrations were held to honor more than 6 million Jews killed during World War II

San Francisco (KGO) – Monday is the International Holocaust memory day and people from all over the world are marking 80 years after the liberation of the Aushwitz-Berkeenau Nazi concentration camp.

In the Lion of Honor of San Francisco, a ceremony was held on Monday morning to honor more than six million Jews killed during World War II.

It was held on the outdoor Holocost Memorial Site of the Lion of Honor.

The American Jewish Committee and the Jewish Family and Children’s Services (JFCs) Holocost Center hosted the ceremony, including several cities and state officials, including Lieutenant Governor Eleni Kunlakis.

The ceremony was one of the speakers at the Jessica graph, whose elder grandmother was killed in Holocost.

She now acts as a senior rabbi at an addition to San Francisco.

Even today, she says that the proof of antismitism is very large worldwide.

Jessica Graf, a senior Rabbi Jessica graph in Congress Sherith Israel, said, “Especially when we see it, it is shown and clear here in San Francisco and the entire California, the United States and the world,” Jessica Graf, Kangragation Sherith Israel A senior rabbi of said. “This is a very scary time and it is especially important for us that we remember, never forget the horrificism and the magnitude of fanaticism and hatred and who can create.”

More: SF Center has kept the stories of survivors alive on the International Holocost Day

The Jewish family and children’s service in San Francisco is a huge collection with thousands of objects related to Holocaust near the Holocost Center and is focusing on education to ensure that stories of the remaining people have not been forgotten.

At the Pacific Northwest, Mahavanuri General Oliver Shrem of Germany also spoke during Monday’s celebrations, accepting the worldwide antisemiamitism.

“We really need to live together and we need to be a tolerant scene-a-viz of other cultures, this is the only way and should be today’s message,” said Shramam.

Shram also talked about how this day is a force for the Sangh rather than human, tolerant and hatred or separation.

Similar remembrance incidents are taking place in the Gulf region on Monday.

San Jose will hold his memory in San Jose City Hall.

It starts at 3:30 pm

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