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This action is damaging from Deepseek he news that can be transformed into multibaggers

We have recently compiled a list of 10 shares that damage from Deepseek he news that can be transformed into multibagers. In this article, we will take a look at where ASE Technology Holding (NYSE: ASX) stands against other shares.

The SEA SEMBER SEMBERS ARE BEING BLOCKING AS THE CHINESS AMBERED A MODE WHO HAPPENED TO THE UNITED STATES IN THE SPACE. China is currently facing restrictions on the importation of the most golden semiconductor needed to train it. The departure of Deepseek, despite these restrictions, is an eye opening for Western technology companies, and the investor’s feeling is reflecting it.

As market participants cheat to gather more information on China’s progress, we decided to look at actions that not only receive a hit from this news, but also offer an attractive purchase opportunity. Despite the backdrop of Project Stargate, a US government initiative to pump private sector investments in the infrastructure of it, these companies also offer a possible multi-bagger opportunity.

Usually, it is the low market companies that become multibagger. However, the rate of failure when betting for these companies is quite high. So we chose a company with a market cap between $ 10 and $ 25 billion. In this way, our list contains businesses that are already created and will flourish in the strengthening given by the Project Stargate while successfully managing each head. We believe that the weaknesses of these shares are minimal due to the already sound bases of these companies.

A closure of a high -tech chip, intricate details of its only visible layers.

ASE technology is included in the testing, packaging and production of various semiconductor equipment. It is a Taiwan -based company that also produces substrates and provides software and management services to various industries. Company shares are seated 5% today.

ASX services for the semiconductors industry are what are commonly called Assemblies and External Test of the Semiconductor (OSAT). Despite a difficult environment for such companies, Asx shares gained 14% in the last year. At Q3, the company reported an increase in revenue by 10% YOY with an increase in revenue by 4%. She enjoys better boundaries than her peers, which is what helps the stability of her shares during difficult times.

In addition to the risk of the cyclical from which most shares suffer, ASX has an increased geopolitical risk due to its base in Japan. As long as the shares continue to be strategically approximated with Taiwan’s semiconductor production, geopolitical risk is likely to remain softened.

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